Please help get the word out ASAP...

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Praxis 2006] urgent support for Lebanon read now!
From: "machete amor"
Date: Wed, August 9, 2006 12:54 pm
Heres the deal- Lebanese and internationals here in Beirut are oganizing
a caravan to bring humanitarian aid to people in the south who are not
getting it, and are literally dying from thirst, hunger, illness. We will
leave Beirut August 12th, this saturday, at 7 am (please note time
difference). This is very dangerous, since israel + IDF has said it will bomb
any cars. We are in touch with alot of media, and this is crucial, to have
international and media eyes watching. yes, I feel strange about
mainstream media aswell but we are trying to draw alot of attention, and
maybe not get bombed, ya know? the webpage is
ACTION- we need you all to call as much attention to this caravan as
possible, within the next few days. If you have press contacts, indy
press or whatever media, all media is cool right now, send them our email
and phone in lebanon -(country code -961) 70 150 247 so we can talk about
the caravan. If you know anyone organizing demos on saturday (it is
international day of action against israel or something, so there wil be
demos) try to get contacts so that people can speak live or recorded at
the rallies from the caravan. This may sound not too
exciting for you all but it has to be done, to at least try to protect
people on the caravan.
The caravan is not working with political parties and not asking Israel
for permission to go south (ie, permission so that they wont airstrike
Please get on it.
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