The moon pushes full and I can see a smile, a ghost and the small foot of a baby yet born. This holds us all up. as we dive and drown deeper in the sea. A warrior woman gallops to the rescue on a sea horse gallant. Led by younger, stallions, she approaches a forest of coral. The reef camouflages a witch of a dancing woman her hips and head swept by currents, she greets our warrior. She sits on a throne of kelp. She listens to our plight. She sings a song that circles us and halos the heavens.
On the other side of town there is a beast, an ox or bull or man that strides a thick branch or tube, or dick. He is attached by suckers and he thinks this nourishes him and gives him life. It is his mouthpiece and he too sings. But every note becomes an empty promise. His crooning masquerades as something sweet. But his heart was ripped out long ago and this branch of life he clings to has no sturdy roots, just tendrils and black ominous clouds.
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