
way back when

remember so long ago when we read our fortunes in your parents salon.
you had a choice between the forest and trees and life outdoors and the art world a gallery with lots of frames hanging on the wall. and at that moment you wanted to go camping. you have all the gear a tent a tea pot and you love to keep a fire burning low.

and my light before me is a woman standing with a baby in her arms at the edge of a cliff… or this is how I like to remember it. and when I press my thumb to the bottom to change my fates, another baby an embryo. I cannot escape this biology. but I know by the scarf flowing in the wind and the way the woman stands that it is not me, but a friend who wants more than anything to be nurturing and a mom. and wehre will I be when she needs me … this is what I see. somewhere at the beginning of it all, where will I be.

it was so long ago but here we are and those things have come our way and we stand before them ready to make decisions or having already made them.


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