

i cannot read this now. no puedo entender nada -- bas I know hay algo magnificente en los molinos -- es una pintura, una pelicula -- pero solo un momento o como un fragmento de mi dia, mi vida, mis sueños, si? el momento: I turn the cup upside-down. mi dia: I sit on the balcony watching the neighbors carry their trash to the dumpster and back; mis sueños: iza kil yom bikun mitil lyom -- I sit drinking coffee on my balcony searching to see a strip of sea hiding behind the trees past the school playground on the other side of the ring road that separates one section of town from the next, that leads to a set of dying stairs, to the small one way street, that runs into my house yellow with red shutters and whispers to me, come on, come on -- shway shway.


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