

we leave this place and go to santorini, atlantis the lost world. a crescent of rock and ash wrapped around a volcano. we hover above the highest point in the island with views of the caldera on one side and the open sea on the other. we can see each tip clearly but we turn our backs to east and west and face each other. you over there. me here. I look at you over there, waiting, sitting on a rock with your elbows on your knees. waiting for me. waiting. you are calm and hopeful -- tho sometimes a bit bored with the situation. and me, I’m crouching with my stomach down against a boulder as though hiding in plain sight. or I’m hugging the stone as though I just climbed a cliff to be here. we face each other but we cannot see each other at all. I know you are there. you know I am here. between us is a thick cloud of smoke and a long stone wall. the wall is not high, it is just there to mark the boundaries of this land here and that land there. I sit behind this wall. beyond the stone wall there is a two headed monster made of smoke and ash bubbling out of a chink in the wall. the head that faces me hovers above and wraps a finger around me protectively. I don’t feel any safer, just claustrophobic. your head looks determinedly at your scalp looking for a flaw, a mite, one hair out of place. its as though she wants to scold you, but you look past her -- this is not something serious, and is not really what separates us. riding just above the shoulders of the monster scolding protecting, a pyramid-like puffy cloud spurts sparklers and fireworks. a bright light guides us. your sun, my moon.


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