first you saw a bomb and then you decided no it is a tree growing up and up. It’s coming from below not above. A land mine maybe. No you insist a tree. A signpost. A geyser. What’s a geyser doing in the middle of the city? But really you want it to be anything but a bomb dropping down from the sky. Anything but the burst of light and the earth moving beneath it’s thrust and the people running. The animals stand still. This is why you can say it’s a tree a signpost a geyser. The animals do not move. The stand waiting. Frozen. And the sky is crying and the thunderclouds are too late to slow it down.
And in the background, in the back of you mind, an entire section of the dream blacks out. There are hints :: a man playing a long long horn, waves rolling up a mountain like flames but they are water, and a cupola with small windows that then looks like a giant acorn blocking out the sun. and a damsel in distress on a mesa -- but she is far from the ground and nothing will really hurt her so you disregard her, look past her and keep wishing you are wrong about what you see before you. As you watch the sky’s tears stream down.
You are jumping off a cliff
this is not good.
Ok start over
--hay algo positivo en esta taza --
sí hay.
You are jumping off a cliff out of a building thick and massive solid unmoving. Your body free and happy and ready to plunge into the water below that waits to hold you embrace you, a soft landing -- this is not the swallowing kind of sea. But your face is terrified. Longingly you look back at the heavy mountain block heart brick behind you. Your eyes open wide and sad. How can you leave this but you also look above and beyond it and see something you can’t explain. No one will listen to you but in the distance you see a line of people pushed off the cliff. You would rather jump than be pushed. Your body opens up to the air and pulls you out, up, out… but one foot is still stuck in a foothold --- something between pushing off and gripping tightly.
a snakey wormy thing with a head like a monkey mocks us. Inhale, a heavy wind pulls us. Exhale, smoke and ash covers us. I ride a camel. But we are not riding now. We sit still on a desert moving like the ocean tossing us slowly, steadily we drift towards the peak of the dune and slide back down. Sand in my eyes and mouth. Breathe deeply and begin again.
noticias del tiempo :: inundaciones y tormentos del balazos
nubes temblores de tension
flood alert
tres horas de lluvia de balazos
exchange of fire
alredador la ciudad no hay descanso
no descanses tu
no descanso yo
a stingray skims the ocean floor. A bat clings to a windowpane as the sun begins to rise.
Thru the haze we see a wise man sits on a hill. We know he is wise because he has on a flowing robe that trails behind his back down to the foot of the mountain. He also sits crosslegged. This is how we recognize him. He has love in his heart and mind but his ideas are bursting up and out. He cannot, he will not keep them to himself. His hands stretch forward to another man with a beard and an impressive head dress. This man is as big as a mountain. With long straight features he looks thoughtful but a bit arrogant. He listens or at least appears to listen. In fact he does not need to listen because he is big, very big. His robe embraces the entire mountain as he leans back and watches the wiseman across from him speak his mind of love and caution. Between them there is a string of beads loosely strung. The beads become a piece of cloth and the wise man holds it slowly fanning a small fire in the gulf between them.
A whisp of smoke echoes above their heads.
a snail’s pace. Slow and slimy tracks keep us hovering above in the balcony of events on the ground.
A princess speaks earnestly with the gorgon-king. Her flowing hair covers her like a gown disappearing into the horizon that whips around like a flame and a diamond burst a lion’s roar. The gorgon’s head is big and painted gaudy with rouge. His arms are wings with scales like a fish flutter about without flight. Behind him a thick serpent-like advisor blows incantations into his ears. Drowning out the sounds of his hollow voice and the pleas of the princess.
estoy en los nubes.
estoy en el cielo.
volando yo.
mientras ti ti ti ti q ti q ti q ti q ti q ti q ti q ti
estoy en una caverna
estoy en la oscuridad.
erizando yo.
inundaciones de balazosy tu el amanecer de truenos de explosiones